Wednesday, June 25, 2014

One for You, Two for Me; Lots of Ads from BP

It seems every hour, I see several TV ads telling me how many Americans BP hires.  I wonder why they are spending millions on TV ads telling me what wonderful corporate citizens they are?  Am I supposed to thank them for giving jobs to us?

I suggest that BP hires people to make their bottom line fatter.  There is no altruism, no philanthropy here.  They're not our long lose brothers.  I am sure they simply feel it is worth spending the advertising dollars to mend their reputation for killing people with the explosion in the Gulf, for poisoning the water killing untold birds, killing fish, ruining commerce and the shorelines many businesses, people's livings.and tourism.

I'd like British Petroleum to use the advertising money to finish the clean-up job they caused and invest 20 billion to build wind turbines and solar panels across the U S.

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