Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Janet Raloff, wrote two articles for Science Magazine on the approx. 74,800,000 pounds of Atrizine sprayed on crops to protect corn, sorghum, sugarcane, cotton, golf courses, etc. from weeds. This chemical has showed-up in drinking water and the E.P.A. is reopening studies. This stuff emasculates amphibians (than means, in simplistic terms, makes females out of males). Funny that this stuff is banned by the European Union and in particular Switzerland where Syngenta, the leading manufacturer of this weed inhibitor is headquartered.

The high levels in drinking water, particularly in central U.S. where these crops are grown. It gets into rivers as well as tap water and has, in cases, exceeded the EPA safety limit. I love the fact that Syngenta's U.S. facility says they tested it and we should believe them. They say the U.S. should save the expense of further testing.

Atrazine is said by independent scientists to cause too much estrogen in fish and mammals and this not only feminizes but is also a cancer risk and reduces immune functions and elevates stress related hormones. There have also been birth defects in babies. So who is right and who is wrong. I am happy to spend the money for independent testing and conclusions especially when one study overseas actually had an employee of Syngenta working on it.

This is no joke. Is Syngenta hiding something. Why banned overseas and not here?

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