Wednesday, February 18, 2015

European Jews Moving To Israel

Bibi Netanyahu invited Jews from France, then Denmark to move to Israel.  He offered a warmly stated relocation assistance program.  Immediately, the leadership of both countries asked their Jewish populations to stay and not migrate, basically saying that they are equal citizens and part of the cultural fabric of their country.

There seems some politics involved on both sides,  Bibi effectively touting that if you can't protect our people, we will be happy for all of them to live in the Jewish State.  His declarations may be mitigated by the upcoming elections in Israel....Maybe not! NBibi maybe just saying to come live where the controlling directive is "Never Again".

The heads of state in France and Denmsrk do not want to show that they can't protect a sector of their population as they would look weak and ineffective.  As well, they might not want to lose a largely well educated, professional and intellectual though minority population.  As well, they might simply be outraged and want to make this right.

Over the last few thousand years, the history of the Jews in Europe has been nothing short of one sick horror story after another.  There doesn't seem to be an end to targeting Jewish people; the only differences are horrors of scale.

So, for what ever the motive othat European leaders hsrbor at this moment, it changes with elections and anti semitism, bigotry and  brainless discrimination will again rear theirugly heads.  That is my prognosis.  It does not mean that they should pull up roots and leave.  If it were me, I'd protect myself, my community and the property therein or I would go where the operative culture is "Never Again". For every European Jew, it is a decision that needs attention.

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Moderate Saudis

Ol' King Abdullah died and world leaders went there to pay respects.  Well, I guess if you compare the despot to other leaders in the world, particularly Middle East Arab leaders, and move the definition fulcrum a half dozen sigmas to the right, he was moderate.

Let's use an article I read and give Abdullah the Merriam Webster definition of moderate.  All opposition party leaders were arrested and one had what they call a mental breakdown in a Saudi hospital.  I guess this is moderate if you live in Moscow.

Recently a Saudi woman was beheaded, being accused of witchcraft, not because she was caught practicing it, but because she owned books on it. How is this moderate?  I guess she could have been tortured first.

A blogger dared to question differences in Church and State was given a 1,000 lash sentence. The moderation here comes from the fact that he could have been given 5,000

A woman was arrested for bringing food to a Canadian woman who was dense enough to marry a Saudi, and who was locked up in the home by her husband without being given food or water..  She is accused of helping incite a woman against her husband.  I have mixed emotions on this one.  I understand that she did leave the cap off the toothpaste.

Thousands of Ethiopian workers were beaten and kicked out of the country because they were Ethiopian and no longer needed.  Didn't they learn anything from the Chinese?  They could have killed them and harvested their organs in a women's' hospital.

It was recommended to allow women to drive between certain specified hours and days.  King Abdullah said no.  Look guys, we want to be moderate, not freeking Liberals.

Although women are banned from working in most industries, Abdulah allowed them to work in lingerie stores so men would not have to wait on them.  Yes, everything in moderation.

Women were allowed to earn 1/3 of the total number of scholarships, but if they go overseas, they must take a chaperon along.  Honey, if you come to Cali, don't go go U.C. Santa Barbara.

And leaders from all over the world went there to "pay respect".