Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I remember the Administration railing about protecting the protestors and citizens all throughout the Arab Spring movement. When the ruling Middle East government moved against the marchers, screams from our Administration resounded loudly on all TV channels that their leader must go. Even though the Arab Spring Protestors carried and used weapons, the U.S. position was that there really should not be a crack down. Am I wrong?

It seem so disingenuous that police can break up U.S. Citizens Constitutional right to gather, to march, to protest and drag these citizens off to jail and manhandle them. This is left up to the local police department so if the mayor is a Republican, he will use a flimsy excuse like tents, garbage, noise to turn an army of police with clubs on our own citizens.

I think it is an outrage. I remember in the old western movies, the Indian Chief not wanting to make peace because the white man speak with forked tongue.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Brilliance of Bank of America

BofA bought out a bank's credit card portfolio and I received their card. I bought about $500 a month and paid it always on time so, I guess, to punish me, they wanted to charge a monthly fee. As a result I cancelled their card and reported this practice to the Better Business Bureau. I received a phone call from someone who sounded like they worked for the capo de capo who was indignant telling me my account was not profitable. I told her that BofA did not have to worry about my accounts profitability any longer.

Since they came out with a cash-back card which I believe allows them to charge a higher fee for every credit transaction bleeding the merchant.

Now they want to charge a monthly fee for all those who use debit cards.

The conclusion dear reader, if that BofA who advertises about all the wonderful things they do in communities, the wonderful loans to build America, really looks to me, like a bank hungry for fees from all of their customers and banking associates. Yes, a fee hungry bank. If the shoe fits.........

Maybe everyone in the world who owns one of their credit or debit cards should cut it up and cancel the account. Perhaps the governing board will vote in a kinder and gentler capo.