Sunday, April 24, 2011


Walking in San Francisco, I saw a T-shirt with a picture of pubic hairs and a picture of Bush and needless to say which was the bad Bush caption. The bad Bush was a President I had absolutely no respect for. That is not easy to say because I'm not a young guy and have lived through all of them including FDR and have mixed thoughts but rarely a total void of respect. I disliked Nixon, and Jimmy Carter, and have a diametrically opposite view of Ronald Regan as the worshiping Republicans do. But notwithstanding any emotional and political thoughts of these "don't like" Presidents, the bad Bush has reached so much further in the depth of my despise that I think all other Presidents combined with the singular exception of his father who truly screwed this country with his Supreme Court nominations and the lack of physical and verbal spankings he should have given his son.

What amazes me is that the public keeps putting these people in office driving our country to depths that may be irreversible.

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Monday, April 4, 2011


For wrong reasons, a pastor, in the U.S. burned a Muslim bible and there are protests and killings in Afghanistan because of this.

We keep talking about radicals in the Middle East and Terrorists in the Middle East as though there are just a few loose cannons there and all the other Muslims are just normal moderate friends. We said this about Hitler, Stalin, Tojo, and a bunch of others and their followers until it was too late to do anything except cause the deaths of our own young people in the military. So now we are killing our own by sending them into Muslim countries because, well maybe, there are more than just a few radicals.

These are the people who gas each other, who kill each other, who are intolerant of each other and treat women like they were personal slaves. These are the American flag burners, the shouters and gun waving, beheading, stoning, limb severing moderates we call our friends. These are the people who would kill innocent people because some pastor, tens of thousands of miles away, burned their book. This is their sense of justice, their sens of social behavior.

I have, in the recent past, asked all Muslim women to stop procreating with Muslim men, (Lesbians are just fine) even on pain of death, and the ethnic cleansing will be complete in a very short time. Ladies, this of this for the better good. Try to marry non Muslims and if you have a son, don't let him talk to Muslim men. This is a much more humane way to solve the problem then my former concept about making parking lots of Muslim countries.
You did not heed my request in the past, so maybe you will now.